Success Story

Matt’s Background – @ age 6 Matthew was physically violent @ school – kicking, punching & damaging his classroom; – family admitted they do not set or enforce good boundaries for him; – had no friends; – no social activities. What were people trying to do? – in a rare…

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Teacher Testimonial

“It takes a village to raise a child” – this ancient African proverb symbolizes how I see the 11 UI program. I would like to acknowledge 11 UI as a huge part of my classroom community. My Jr. SLC – Structured Learning Classroom has 8 students that engage in unhealthy…

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Parent Testimonial

“11UI has been very supportive of our son. He went through a period of time when none of the kids in his class really wanted to be his friend and his social skills were disruptive.  Now, thanks to the support and programs provided, our son has a thriving social life.…

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